Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday. Without the support of you guys I wouldn't be where I am today.

I will be spending Christmas at my parents home. We will eat and celebrate with my niece and nephew opening their presents.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

SCR - AE2012 and UMVC3

SCR 2011 was definitely a tournament I was looking forward to. I had practiced a lot and wanted to accomplish good results. However, I didn't place well and I feel my results reflect the way I had prepared.

For UMVC3, I lost to Fanatiq and Olaf. I didn't really put much time practicing for this game in the hopes that pure fundamentals was enough. I was most definitely wrong and deserved the results for UMVC3.

There wasn't much to say during Olaf's match since I don't exactly remember what happened. However, against Fanatiq, I eventually ate setups that I normally do on other people. The trick is not to push block while your incoming character comes in otherwise you eat a normal or drones.

Having prepared for AE 2012, the event finally had started. I was looking forward to progressing well enough to make it to the next day. However, I made a mistake I had done in the past.

Canada Cup: WDM.Luffy & Xian

After my tournament loss to eLive.Pro|RF, I was extremely frustrated. I immediately looked for redemption and asked RF to a money match, but he wanted to watch the rest of the tournament.

I felt I had to play someone so I looked for some money matches around the venue. The Canadians were a little reluctant to money match, but that didn't bother me. Then I found WDM.Luffy and Xian.

Canada Cup: eLive.Pro|RF

If you guys haven't seen my tournament match against eLive.Pro|RF here's the video:

In the first set I played the match-up correctly. I played patient and pushed him to the corner (as your supposed to in this match-up). Most of my training for this match-up was against John Choi. However, RF was giving me lots of chances to get a life-lead. I took the first set easily.

Canada Cup: Kineda (Terry)

I know it's quite late to post about Canada Cup, but I feel an obligation to finish some of the players left on the list. I won't be doing Bas or Mago since I don't remember what it is I want to write. It's been way too long for me to remember.

Kineda (Terry) had some great advice for me while at Canada Cup. However, it didn't come from him. He said it had come from other top players. Although he didn't mention their names I was able to bug him about what they had said about me.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SCR - AE2012

Still doing lots of training for SCR. Sorry for the lack of posts. I am just focusing on AE2012 since it hasn't been out too long. Just doing some preparing and training for the coming event.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

$1 Donations for SCR

After getting paid and paying bills, I've calculated that I'm still going to have trouble with one crucial expense during SCR. That expense is food.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Training for SCR

I haven't been able to post since I've been recently taking time to train for SCR. Check out our stream live this whole week starting at 8PM PST at We will be streaming SSF4AE and UMVC3.

Stay tuned!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Questions from the Unknown [Part 1]

Unknown said...
On Muttonhead's question- why dont ppl just jump in more on John? It seems like he's GOING to throw a fireball a lot, so why not eat a couple dp's in exchange for a jump in? 

I wanted to point out how good of an idea that was to challenge a person's strength's. It makes me see that I have an ego or competitive side that wants to win. I just realized how much stupid cheap stuff I'll use that I know will hit certain opponents, in casuals. 
I also dont like to wait to play again and dont like to lose when a bunch of people are around. Time to stop caring. Thanks for the post.

@Unknown - There are two things with jumping in at John Choi (or at Ryu in general).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog Statistics: Month of November

I cannot express my gratitude to everyone that has helped me get better in the fighting game community. I have also met many great friends through gaming and appreciate all of them. However, this month my thanks must go out to those reading my blog.

From the beginning to the end of November, I was able to get about 4,000 views. That's more than double from what I had got just for one year. Ever since the creation of my new twitter account (@XsK_Samurai), I have been able to reach other people from different countries - as well as my own (United States) - and offer them a source of information. Hit the jump to see the statistics!